píparinn: jamie mcquilkin

this is the personal website of Jamie McQuilkin.

pípari is an Icelandic word that means plumber, or piper. In less and more abstract senses, this describes my function in the social organism.

Many of the projects that I contribute to are related to building social or environmental infrastructure of some kind. This can often be quite physical. Sometimes non-metaphorical plumbing is involved - I have worked as a plastic welder and biogas mechanic. In other cases, this might involve building organisations or projects, and plumbing connections between people and social groups.

Pipers, that is to say bagpipers, have an unusual role in many societies, including the one I grew up in. Our purpose has been, and is, to match a music to the needs of people gathered at pivotal communal moments. Sometimes a bit of fomenting is what is needed.